Aqui se encontra cheats para o Yu-Gi-Oh!5D's WC 2009 Stardust Accelerador, bom jogo para todos
Game ID[North America]
3 of each Cards (press start) [Japan]
94000130 FFF70000
D5000000 00000033
C0000000 00000577
D8000000 02120F45
D2000000 00000000
3 of each turbo duel card (press start) [Japan]
94000130 FFF70000
D5000000 00000033
C0000000 0000002B
D8000000 02120F02
D2000000 00000000
Written and improved by yours truly.
3 of each Cards (press start) [Europe]
94000130 FFF70000
D5000000 00000033
C0000000 00000577
D8000000 02121845
D2000000 00000000
3 of each turbo duel card (press start) [Europe]
94000130 FFF70000
D5000000 00000033
C0000000 0000002B
D8000000 02121802
D2000000 00000000
Written and improved by yours truly.
3 of each Cards - this's fixed - it does not affect anything but cards. [North America]
3 of each the main 2800 cards incl God cards (RamonNZ - press start) [USA]
94000130 FFF70000
D5000000 00000033
C0000000 00000577
D8000000 021217A5
D2000000 00000000
3 of each turbo duel card (RamonNZ - press start) [USA]
94000130 FFF70000
D5000000 00000033
C0000000 0000002B
D8000000 02121762
D2000000 00000000
Improved by yours truly.
3 of each speed spells and traps [North America]
94000130 fff70000
d5000000 00000033
c0000000 0000002b
d8000000 02121762
d2000000 00000000
All Duel Runners and All Opponents [North America]
Press Select for All Duel Runners
94000130 FFFB0000
02120D48 007E1FFE
02120D4C 1FFF007E
02120D50 01FF01FF
12120D54 00001FFF
D2000000 00000000
All Free Duels and Opponents
12122CD8 0000FFFF
22122CDA 0000003F
Assorted Codes [Japan]
All Duel Runners
94000130 FFFB0000
021204E8 007E1FFE
021204EC 1FFF007E
021204F0 01FF01FF
121204F4 00001FFF
D0000000 00000000
Free Cup Modes Enabled
22122188 000000FF
All Cards (x9 each) [Press Select]
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 00009999
C0000000 000002DD
D7000000 02120F02
D2000000 00000000
Enable All Card Menu [Press Select]
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 00001B1B
C0000000 000005BA
D7000000 021214BE
D2000000 00000000
All Cards Menu
02122128 FFFFFFFF
1212212C 0000001F
No Ban List
12011C52 0000EA00
All Free Cup, Opponents, and Matches
0212243C FFFFFFF0
02122440 FFFFFFFF
02122444 FFFFFFFF
02122448 FFFFFFFF
02122450 FFFFFFFF
02122454 FFFFFFFF
12122458 0000FFFF
2212245A 0000003F
Unlock CPU Tag Duel Opponents
22122460 0000000F
Dueling Codes
Instant Win[Press Select. At the end of the turn, you should win. Not tested online]
94000130 FFFB0000
022AF56C 00000000
D2000000 00000000
Misc. Codes
Time Never Increase During Races
521BEF74 E3A03CFA
021BEF78 E1A00000
D0000000 00000000
Game Time = 0:00
021204B4 00000000
Instant Win [Press Select] [North America]
94000130 FFFB0000
122A9488 00000000
122AFE7C 00000000
D2000000 00000000
Max Duel Points (DP) [Japan]
Max DP:
021204D8 3B9AC9FF
Max Duel Points (DP) [North America]
02120D38 3B9AC9FF
No Ban List [Europe]
12011C96 0000EA00
All Duel Disk
12120d84 000003ff
Have all Costumes:
12120D80 0000FFFF
Unlockeables [Japan]
All Duel Disk:
12120524 000003FF
All Costumes:
12120520 0000FFFF
Walk past the guards w/out them noticing [Press and hold R] [North America]
521BE404 E59F301C
021BE408 E3A0C001
94000130 FEFF0000
021BE408 E3A0C000
D2000000 00000000
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